v7 sub

Adblock & DNS Sinkhole (Pi-Hole) policy

As this website started as a hobby project and was never intended to make any money from, it is being offered for free. However, running the site, searching information on bikes to add, adding the bikes and replying to all kind of technical questions takes a lot of time and also some money for hosting etcetera so I decided to add advertisements to it. Besides incidental donations, the main source of income are these ads.

I know these ads can be annoying and even slow down the website loading but bear in mind the service you are using is totaly free. Now if everyone runs software or tools to block them, the ads will gradualy generate less and less revenues and at some point I will loose interest in offering and maintaining the website.

When ad block software is detected, a mask is placed over the main page preventing you to use it any longer and asking you to disable the blocking service. You still have access to rest of the site but calculations on the main page are not possible until you disable the ad blocking service.

Possibly caused by VPN:
n this case, your so called "DNS sinkhole or Pi-Hole" service may be blocking our ads. It's probably part of a VPN service you may be using and can be switched off in the VPN settings. So go to those settings and disable that service. After you have done so, reconnect your VPN and reload the Gearing Commander main page.

Please check te FAQ of your VPN service on how or where to disable it.
For NordVPN it togled using the 'Cybersec' switch.

Besides the VPN DNS Sinkhole service there are many programs like anti-virus software, anti-malware software, browser settings and browser-addons that may be blocking the ad's.
Please check all that you may have active for settings related to ads.

Possibly caused by Browser settings:
Known Browser settings to cause this mask to appear:
FireFox: Enhanced Tracking Protection set to 'Strict'.
Solution: change to 'Standard'.
Edge:    Tracking prevention set to 'Strict'.
Solution: change to 'Balanced'
Opera:   Block Ads & Block trackers switched On. Solution: switch both to Off

Please contact me if you still have issues getting rid of the overlay mask. Please specify OS, browser name and version, name of the VPN service you are using, name of anti-virus software running and all other security and privacy related software and addons you have running.

Please also check the info page on our info Adblock policy as that may also cause a grey mask to appear.

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