Gearing Commander Data Verification
Eventhough I ask users of the GC website to supply all gearing data for
the bike they want me to add, I
always verify that data using owners manuals, service manuals,
press releases, technical specification sheets or official factory
websites. So for every bike you want me to add I start an internet
search wich can take up several hours to find the relevant data. Or sometimes I can't find anything.
In that case I check the 'Add Bike' request for
the source of the data supplied. If it is 'owners manual' or 'service
manual' I ask the requester to scan or photograph it and mail it to me. If
requester also has no reliable source I may still add the bike if enough
information is available from Un-official sources (like requester says: "I
counted the teeth") or a bike forum states the tech specifcation. In that
case the bike will be listed as "NOT VERIFIED" on the History page and it
will also be shown on the main page by this logo after loading the data for
the bike:
In that case non of the used data is verified so please use all the calculated results with caution as they may be
incorrect ! The same will be stated in the 'Bike Info'-collapsible. If you do have official data for such a bike please let me know.
 Sometimes I can only find the gearing
data and nothing about the chain details of the bike involved. For instance many manuals only list the
chain type and not the number of links. In that case I do an Internet search for OEM chains for that bike and see if the same number of
links comes up a lot. In that case I will list the number of links but I will list the bike as being "CHAIN data NOT VERIFIED" on the History page and it
will also be shown on the main page by this logo after loading the data for the bike:
So either the chain pitch is not verified or the mentioned number of chain links is
not verfied or both are not verified. All other data has been verified. You
can check the information in the 'Bike Info'-collapsible to see what exactly
is not verified. As chain details are not part of any speed or RPM
calculations, the related results in the
top 3 tables and graphs are not affected in any way and are correct.
In case
of not verified chain data, please use the calculated
CHAIN results (bottom 2 tables) with caution as they may
be incorrect ! If you do have official chain data for such a bike
please let me know.
 Sometimes I can only find part of the data involved. For instance
if the rear tire size is unclear or the final drive is unclear and cannot be
verified it will be listed as "PARTLY VERIFIED" and it
will also be shown on the main page by this logo after loading the data for
the bike:
So one or more items are not verified, this can be any of the Stock setup fields loaded
from the database. As of GC version 7 it is possible for me to show
additional information on the bike or the way it was verified on the main
page, inside the 'Bike Info'-collapsible. Click that button to check the
information on what was not verified.
So for bikes classiefied as partly verified,
check what was not verified and use related results with caution. If you do have official data for such a bike
please let me know.

If instead a bike factory
logo shows, all displayed gearing data has been verified and all
calculated results should be accurate. Also for Verified bikes you can find additional information in the 'Bike Info'-collabsible. It will at least show what I used to verify the
data in the database. However, as even factory manuals contain errors and also I make mistakes (yes really...) I cannot guarantee the reliability of the data and hence not of the calculated results.
Also the GC stated Max Power RPM is not always mentioned in manuals so eventhough the bike is listed as 'verified', this does not always apply to the M.P.RPM.
As that does not affect the accurary of the calculations and as you can easily change the GC M.P.RPM yourself that should not be an issue.
Also see GC Disclaimer and Database Errors
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