First 'Select Bike Brand'
in left pull down menu, then 'Select Model' in next pull down, then
'Select Version/Year' in the next pull down menu.
Now click the 'Load
Bike Gearing' button. All gearing data is loaded and results are calculated
and shown below the input fields. Results will slightly differ
between the 3
setups as we have loaded an already changed Front sprocket (-1) in Current and
an already changed Rear sprocket (+3) in Custom setup.
Now change
Current setup
fields (orange) and Custom setup fields (green) to reflect
your current and considered gearing settings. Select a field, type new
value and press Tab-Key or click on page. Results will update for all
related fields.
After each field change, all results
in the tables and graphs are recalculated and updated automatically. Click
below button to start short instruction video
on these 3 steps.
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sure to enable Closed Captions in: Settings, Accessibility, Subtitles &
Captioning, Select On. Play video full screen and select subtitles.
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